Wednesday, January 16, 2013


Everyone desires to be among the top five in whatever career they pursue.   It is even more desirable by a blogger in the field of providing content for numerous niches populating the internet community.  The competition is very keen hence to stand out as a blogger, you must do certain things the others are doing but do them better and go the extra mile to be ahead of the pack. 

As in all business or service, it is competition that keeps those engaged in it on their toes and ensures only top quality products and services are produced.

The case cannot be different for bloggers and so, the irresistible blogger must develop the uncanny ability to over deliver on his primary niche, for the benefit of his community of readers, followers, admirers and competitors.

To become irresistible, the blogger must do the following or remain an uncelebrated hero, churning out good content for an overfed unseen audience.

Write from the heart.

We all aspire to be the best in whatever niche we are passionate about.  That is a healthy human desire. But what most bloggers fail to understand is that there are two sets of people out there all producing content and getting some form of results.  Of course some get more done than others and as a result become more visible. 
You have been on the fringes long enough, and it is time to cross over the thin dividing line, into the notable side by the quality of your content.

The quality of your content is influenced by where you write from. If you write from the head, you are writing by Head Knowledge alone. One could infer that you are giving out cold facts without any emotions whatsoever and so, you remain far from your readers.  

Decide instead to write from your heart giving the same information, in a subtle manner laden with emotion.  The key is to write with feelings people can relate to.

Human beings are emotional creatures so capture their emotions by choice words, the deep feelings you convey with the words, and the personal touch and experiences you put into the stories you tell. If you succeed at this, your readers will notice a certain power in your writing.

Their judgment will be that “he is just like of one us”, “Yes we can relate to this”. If you write with the desired response of your readers guiding every word you write, your posts will take on a life of its own every time you hit that send button and spread like wide fire on the internet. 

Be determined to succeed

Be persuaded in your mind without any doubts that you must succeed at what you are doing. It is easy to arrive at this thought but difficult to carry out. Alas many fall on the way side due to the weight of this onerous task, for others greed for money, influence their resolve to serve well, while for some, fame gets into their head with the little successes, they lose touch and stop connecting with their followers.  

Only a few passionate ones stay determined to follow through to their pledge to serve with unquenchable fire of love to help their fellow men. If you are passionate, you will stick to your goal no matter what happens out there. Whether you make money or you don’t, whether your posts are appreciated or not, whether you are motivated to write or not, come rain or sunshine, you remain constant on the promise to deliver endless streams of value added content.

Perseverance is the character trait every blogger must develop. When you are determined, you are ready to do all it takes to become a success. You are willing to pay the price to learn new things that will improve your work, read new books, apply new marketing methods, rebuild your website if you must, learn how to write well, all in a bid to get to the top and stay there.   

Inspiration for writing valuable content

The motivation to create valuable content comes from passion in your niche and pure love to create solutions for your readers.  Value the readers and enter into their mind, as you seek to pass the much deserved information, targeted at quenching the thirst of an army of very thirsty, dying men rescued at the nick of time from the Sahara desert.

Just imagine the feel of cool water in the back of the throat of these men. Feel the life giving power of the cool water, flow into them and watch life gradually return to them. Imagine the happiness, the sheer ecstasy of surviving the scourge of the skin scorching African sun. 
That is the emotion you must carry inside you to create thought provoking posts day by day. Realize that you are the voice of thousands, giving life and hope to them on the niche you cover.

Thousands need your knowledge to live a better life, become well, save a threatened relationship or marriage, pick a career, get an education, become physically fit, lose weight and become better citizens to mention but a few. You must rise to your full stature and give the full measure of your knowledge to quench your teeming readers burning thirst.

As you can see, the decision to be the best has been taken away from you by the sheer weight of the burden of love you bear. You have no choice but to be the very best you can be and to always give the very best you can give and improve with every post. 

This discovery of the power you wield as a blogger is not known to you alone. However, this is where the boys are usually separated from the men by the actions you take, after this discovery of the power to be the voice of multitudes of readers helping to make their lives better.

Let pure love to help your teeming readers transform their life, and the general well being of all that visit your blog, inspire you to create unbeatable consistent content.

Create unsurpassed content

Every blogger knows that the content of your blog is the vital tool that fuels interest in the mind of your followers. Without great content, no matter how beautifully designed your website is, it will soon be abandoned by the readers.

The readers interest is maintained by their desire to solve a problem so your content must at all times address this vital point. Never lose track of this important key. With this tool in your hand, your community of readers will literally be eating from your palm. 

If you lose this vital understanding and allow other things occupy your mind, you will wake up only too late, to discover that the allegiance your email list gave to you, has been transferred to someone else who can solve their numerous problems.  Ensure you sustain your reader’s interest with priceless posts for the mutual interest you share.

Set goals

I will not bore you with the nitty-gritty of setting goals, or even the S.M.A.R.T way of setting goals which most bloggers are aware of, but only a few follow. SMART goals setting, helps you set specific, measurable, achievable, realistic time bound goals.

Without goals there are no targets, no deadline and nothing to keep up your interest or compel you to give it your best shot. Life will be colorless, lifeless and worth nothing if there are no goals. I dare to say that without goals, you will have no business.
Let’s look at an important component in goal setting called Time. Time is the most precious ingredient in goal setting. Your failure to set time frame, for the pursuit of any venture you embark on, proves that thing is worthless. On the other hand, the value you place on a project is determined by how much time you are willing to invest in it, to nurture and bring it to reality. 

Goals are the most vital tools a blogger must set if he or she aspires to be amongst the very best. You must create order in your affairs. For instance, you must determine how much time to assign to writing articles, research, reading emails, decide how much you desire to earn in a year, how to realize it, how much time to invest to commenting and marketing and have the discipline to stick to the time allocated for various tasks.

Look at nature and learn from its cyclical pattern.  You have day and night, summer and winter, sun and moon, darkness and light. Each of these natural phenomena maintains their set course without fail. They do not clash or borrow each other’s time to reign. The same way nature is aligned to achieve their purpose, is the same way a blogger should create order by setting goals if their aspiration to become the best will manifest. 

Time is the scarcest commodity for a blogger so you must plan well in advance, for its meticulous use to manage your daily activities. Mastering time through goals, frees up so much time which you can use for researching and writing time tasted contents.

Pursue set goals with vigor

If you have set goals properly then your goals must be realistic and you pursue them because they are achievable. Your pursuit is the only tangible proof you will have at the end of the day when it yields results.

It is the law of motion which says that everything is at a state of rest until force is applied. So you must realize that on this earth, nothing moves until you move it. I urge you to purse your goals with diligence. Please understand that without results, you will be like a man sitting in a dark room and blinking his eyes. Your guess is as good as mine. It is only that man that knows he is blinking his eyes. I hope you got my drift. The only proof you have to show that your goal setting was not a waste of your precious time is to show tangible results. 

To help you actualize your goals, have a compelling preferable future in mind. Hold this picture strongly in your mind, and daily visualize your future, the way you want it and continue to work on your goals. The more compelling the pictures are, the more pull it will have for you to keep you on your toes until you reach your dream. 

To fire you up for the preferred future, envision it and accept that you can have it and already has it in your mind’s eye. It is only a matter of time if you keep working on the goals, holding this preferred future before you day by day as already achieved, it is only a matter of time that what was once a dream, has become a reality. Getting the results will help you join the rank of the irresistible bloggers.

Maintain excellent relationship with your followers
When you are trying to get to the destination of a super achiever, you must realize that you are nothing without your followers.
John Maxwell, a notable Leadership author and life coach says that if a leader walks in front and looks back and no one was following him, then he was just taking a stroll. The import of this statement is that a leader must have followers.

You must be grateful to your followers for what you have become. Ask yourself this question; what is a blog without a reader? What is an excellent post without a strong crowd cheering you, giving you the encouragement you deserve when you do well? 
The bottom line is that you must build an excellent relationship with your mailing list and all your blog readers. All your subscribers must have value for their time and the money they spend on your products and services.

You must over deliver.
Overwhelm your followers with your creativity and solve their problems like no other blogger could. In fact you must pamper them with freebies, listen to them, ask them what they want and create products tailor made for them.

Being irresistible is a huge burden to carry but it is also worth your while. You will be putting smiles in people’s faces while they will be putting fame and dollars in your bank account. It is a win, win situation.

Conclusion of the matter
Becoming irresistible, is a great task which you can achieve if only you are willing to bite the bullet, and be the very best in your niche by creating unsurpassed content, setting and pursuing worthwhile goals, being determined to go the extra mile at all times, writing from the heart, maintaining excellent relationship with your followers and being grateful to God and the internet community for what you have become, a success.




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