Monday, January 28, 2013


What is web traffic?
Traffic can be defined as amount of visitors to a website. Wikipedia defines web traffic as the amount of data sent and received by visitors to a website. Web traffic is determined by the number of visitors and the web pages they visit.
Web traffic is not just something that arises on its own accord? In the Internet you must deliberately attract traffic. There is no passerby traffic. People use the Internet to solve various kinds of problems whose solutions are packaged in information.
This is the information age and most solutions to your problems have been packaged in information. That is why traffic to the web blog or website is like a breath of fresh air to a drowning man. Without traffic your website will suffocate and expire.

How do you attract traffic to your site?
Now that the importance of traffic has been established, so how do you get this traffic to your site so you don’t go into extinction? The answer lies in three things focus, purpose and value.
Your writing must be focused for it to be purposeful. If your site is purposeful, then it must deliver value. Herein, lay the key to getting droves of traffic to your site. There is no other panacea for traffic.
I can here you mutter that what I said is not new. In fact thousands of other bloggers have said the same thing, that your site must be focused, purpose driven and valuable to attract traffic so how do you make that happen you ask?  That is what I am going to tell you shortly.
Traffic is attracted by focus
To focus means to muster all your energy towards a particular thing. Most fathers can easily relate to this. You know it is an uphill task to get a 6 months old baby, to focus on the camera to snap her picture back in the days when modern digital camera was yet to be manufactured. You invented all the tricks you could, to make your daughter focus on the photographer, and his lens to take that photograph.
It is the same with a web blog or website. From the Domain name registration, you must get this right else you have to work extra hard to attract traffic.
Ensure the name of your site, speaks volume and it is focused and centered on the purpose of your business or blog. Take a little more time to conduct the name search before rushing off to register a fancy name. Though all the good names have been taken, if you try a little harder, you will discover some phrases which reflect the kind of objective you hope to deliver through your blog.
Target those names by putting some phrases in front of big key words. For instance, if the theme of your blog is “web traffic” you could target “attracting web traffic now” or “web traffic flow here”. You notice that your theme is still intact as those two key words “web traffic” are sill reflected in those two phrases I used as examples. If you do this, you would be able to compete with big blogs and deep pocket advertisers that have large marketing budget. You would rank well for a slice of readers searching for those related words to traffic than for the general word. Why? It is because the focus of those big blogs and big advertisers, are usually on generic words which is “web traffic” in this example. Watch what you focus on and attract traffic to your targeted keyword rich site.
Traffic is attracted by purpose
Purpose simply means the reason for being. Vision is the key for provision. What is your vision for this blog? Why are you setting up this blog? What problems are you set up to solve? Who are you targeting? What is their age bracket? What gives them joy? What keeps them awake at night? Why do you want traffic? How is your blog different from the others? What compelling message are you sending across? Why should the reader trust you amongst millions of others in your niche?  Many questions you would say! But it is the answers to those questions, that will determine who you are writing for and the solutions you deliver. The simple answer to traffic is the solution you will deliver, and how well you communicate this unique proposition to your readers.
A blog focused on delivering results for a problem must get traffic. Concentrate on a particular topic. Aim to be the best in that niche. Remain there and generate tons of value. Be patent Rome was not built in a day. Your objective will show in all the blog posts you publish, in your response to comments, in how you relate with other bloggers, participation in forums and social media sites and the overall Internet community.
Let your posts, the tag line, the about us page, the overall design of the site be compelling and crowd pulling. Make your basic description of the blog direct and purposeful. Say what you are set up to convey and let the about me page, say how you are positioned as a professional to bring the solutions to your readers in brief.
If your blog is able to stay on the purpose it was set up for, and deliver dividends to readers, word of mouth will do the rest and your blog will enjoy traffic increase.
Traffic is attracted by value
If you say to me I have done all that you have written so far but your problem still remains how the people will notice you exist. Well not to worry I shall explain in simple terms how you can get readers to notice your blog.
Your blog must be worth something. It must be beneficial to the user. How do you convey the benefit the user stands to gain by stopping by at your blog? You do that with words. The reader uses words to find what will bring solution to her problems. The reader types in words into a search engine such as Google, Bing and Yahoo. The reader does not know which site will deliver the content she seeks. The way she will ever stop by and enter your site, is if your site is optimized to deliver the solution she is seeking.
So the solution to drought of traffic is in your hands. You are the source of the words that will make the search engines notice you.
Here is your chance take it as a challenge and create valuable posts laden with theme based solutions for the reader and the search engines will see it. You and the search engines have the same goals. Let me explain. For the search engine to prove to the user it is top notch and the best, it must be able to seek out those sites that have valuable contents from mediocre sites and display them to the user.
Now your problem is how to rank well so you can be on top of the list whenever the user searches for a key word. Since you cannot predict how the searcher will frame the words she will type into the search engines, just write well.  Writing valuable content, focused to convey theme based solutions the blog was set up for, is the primary answer for attracting traffic.
All the other search engine optimization strategies such as key word richness, publishing daily, having a well designed site that loads fast, use of tags to easily identify your articles, building links to your articles in the Archive with new ones showing fresh
insights on a subject you had handled before, in bound links to your site from reputable sites, out bound links from your site to article directories, links to your social media page and social media sites, and a sprinkling of keywords in your articles linking your resource box to your site, putting a links to your site in Forums you belong to and posted for, putting links in your answers at Yahoo Answers or in Quora, linking your  Google plus profile to your site, linking your LinkedIn profile to your site, putting links in E-books, Affiliate marketing programs and guest blogging posts, all pall to nothing when compared to writing valuable content. Valuable content is king on the Internet so learn how to write one.
How to write valuable content
Helpful posts are priceless and timeless. Write to solve problems and give the best advices on given problems or topical issues. Address your writing to one person and engage your readers with simple and direct use of the English language. Pull your reader into the message of your posts, by giving personal experience(s) you have had and how you solved the problem. Show that because of your personal experience or head knowledge you are qualified to proffer solutions. Point to social proof from others or proof from your personal experience of how the method you are suggesting worked in the past. Ensure you write with the most wanted response from your reader at the back of your mind and end your writing with a call to action.
If you apply those suggestions, your writing will come alive and become interesting to your readers, and attracting traffic will become a foregone conclusion.
Take away
The key to repeat traffic is simple. Be focused, purposeful and write valuable content. All other site optimization strategies can be applied but the easiest way to ensure repeat traffic rush to your site is you. You are the content creator. Create helpful content and enjoy unlimited traffic explosion.

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