Monday, January 21, 2013


Lately the Blog sphere is awash with expert opinions on how to become a sought after blogger. I have given the issue a thought and decided to share my thoughts on this topic.   As you are all aware, becoming sort after is no mean thing. However it is not also very difficult to attain for any blogger out there who decides to pay the price.
If I may borrow a thought from Tony Robins a great writer, peak performance trainer of repute and Bestselling author of the classic book  Awake the Giant Within  to become the best you must embrace the acronym  he called  “ C.A.N.I “  which means continuous and never ending improvement.  Let’s begin;
Write to inform  
Blogging is about communication. Hence the blogger must find simple ways of communicating effectively. He must become a master communicator using plain language to show the reader what he or she means.  If he fails to do this, the reader switches off “lost in the middle of a cyber forest of ideas” if I may use that phrase.  If left in this situation, you lose the reader. To ensure you deliver accurately and inform your audience be direct, use short sentences, avoid confusing your reader through poor use of the English Language, avoid big words and just pass the required information simply.  If you follow those suggestions, you will score a pass mark in the mind of your audience.
Create valuable content
It is a foregone conclusion that what you are writing about must be valuable to your audience else you will suffer drought of followers.   In the blog sphere every writer knows that amongst other things like Search Engine ranking, marketing campaigns, website design, blog reviews to mention but a few, content is king.  Valuable content is the life blood of any blog. If the topic you built a niche around and write

about is not solving their problems, they are a waste of valuable time of your readers. 
Don’t be confused by some writers’ who insist that building a name list or email addresses are paramount. I disagree.  Just imagine this, if I subscribed to your email list and am unable to see quality content, that may be the first and the last time I shall visit that website or blog and the newsletter received will equally be put in the trash basket.  On the flip side if there is value then it will be worth my while to continue to remain subscribed to your email list.
Give insights based on experience
When you write without giving fresh insights based on experiences you have had, your writing becomes bland, lifeless and academic. You appear to the audience like a machine, postulating and handing out solutions in a mechanical way. It will seem as if you have no stake in what you are saying. You may even give the impression of being arrogant and above making mistakes, to your audience thus distancing yourself from them to your own detriment.  Writing like this will take you nowhere.
You must inject life into your writing by creating a connection between you and the story. A story woven by the blogger, sharing his personal experiences about a situation, will be accepted easily as many of the readers would see areas they could relate with.  Moreover, injecting personal experiences into your writings brings you closer to your readers.  It portrays you as a human being after all, with the same flaws they have, or may be struggling with and this builds rapport.

Create massive exposure through guest posting
Gone are the days when a writer will seek to stay alone and aloof from the global community because of a perceived notion of being gifted. You are a creator and the rest of us must cower, and subscribe to whatever you produce with your creative ability. Those days are gone. Pardon me I am not by any chance belittling your capacity as a writer and no insult meant.  I do not doubt that you are a great writer but how many people are aware of your blog.  If they are few then, you are robbing the world of your genius masterpieces. I know that you did not write the so called “master pieces” to be admired by a few.
The solution to creating a buzz and your work becoming viral is through Guest posting for foremost blogs in your niche.  This alone is capable of shooting you into the limelight and making you known overnight.  Just seek to work with first five blogs in various niches and your massive exposure is guaranteed.
Delight your followers and all readers
Make your readers happy and you are guaranteed massive followers.  Everyone deserves happiness irrespective of the issues they may be going through. We all have issues so rather than compounding the already chaotic and stressful lives people are facing, bring joy to your readers by creating an atmosphere of hope, love, and limitless possibilities that are open to everyone.  Be their number motivator and cheer leader. You have the key in your hands weave words that will lift depressed readers and make them try once again.

 The law of attraction says you attract what you are in the habit of sending out.  Make your writing, a harbinger of hope and solution, rather than a problem or a question without an answer.
Serve with unusual passion to help
Passion can be seen. Passion is vivacious and contagious. Without passion there will be no life in your writings. Passion makes you go all the way to over deliver to your followers with every post. Without passion you have no zeal to affect your readers. Without passion you will be going through the motions day by day.  Without passion your writing career will suffer and soon expire. 
With passion, you can go on writing and breathing life into the entire Internet community whether you get paid or not. Passion gives boundless energy to do more; you are ready to keep delivering post after post without getting tired. Show me a business, a writer, an artist, an athlete, or a boxer that failed to amount to anything, and I will show you a person without passion for what they do.
You can become a sort after blogger when you’re writing amongst other factors is infused with so much passion. Like I said earlier, you cannot hide a writing loaded with passion, whereas that without it would be dead on arrival. 
Create friendly relationships with your followers and all readers
Become an avid motivator of your subscribers and followers. Ensure you receive a comment or feedback for every article you do. Respond on point and in time to all their comments, questions or suggestions. When you do this, you become closer to all and sundry leading you into creating solutions, which are tailor made for your readers.  Their cares, questions and anxieties become your problem, for which you

must of a necessity provide solutions.  In fact it is a symbiotic relationship as those solutions can be packaged as e-books, podcast, seminars or special newsletters for paying subscribers.  Creating friendly relationships is a must for any blogger who desires to become notable.
Reveal unusual angles of trending issues
On a daily basis, there are always new trends of issues in the news. Be ready to go the extra mile to secure solutions to some of those developments as they relate to your niche.  Be abreast of top events and be among the first to break those issues down and create free or paid products for your followers. 
Discover pressing needs of your followers and surpass yourself and their expectations.  Seek for unique ways to go beyond the known, by researching into yet to be covered areas by other bloggers, and reveal unusual angles in trending issues.

Becoming a sought after blogger, is dream worth working hard to make real. To achieve this feat, you must create valuable content, share life experiences, solve unusual problems, build friendly relationships with followers, create a massive buzz through excellent guest posts, respond with wisdom to comments and reveal unusual angles to trending issues.

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