Showing posts with label personal motivation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label personal motivation. Show all posts

Saturday, January 4, 2020

ABC for Personal Motivation

ABC for personal motivation is a guide to help you reach your goals with fewer hassles. A motivated individual reaches their goals no matter the obstacles on their path. Many circumstances either positive or negative, motivate if you use what you learn to help you in life. In the English alphabet, we use letters A to Z in both the spoken and written language. In this article, I will show you how you could use the letters A to K to motivate yourself to attain more goals.

ABC for Personal Motivation

Cast your mind back to the elementary school days where you struggled to learn the A, B, C, and succeeded after many trial and errors, sometimes with tears. Please keep that thought at the back of your mind as we begin this journey of learning the A, B, C, afresh. Ready, go. The first letter that begins the alphabets as you are aware is the letter "A" in this article of ABC for personal motivation.

ABC for Personal Motivation

Steps to Use The ABC for Personal Motivation

A - Action: In the ABC for personal motivation, the action is probably the most important factor necessary for the progress and achievement of goals. You must move from point" A" to "B" when executing your goal.

Without action, you would be inactive and stuck in the same spot. From today, decide to
take more action. Use action to motivate yourself towards your goals. Commit to taking more bold steps daily to get your goals and you will succeed.

B - Boldness: The next key to use in this list of ABC for personal motivation is the letter B which stands for boldness. Boldness is the key that unlocks the door called fear of failure. In that journey you began by acting, if you are not bold, you would lack the power to overcome opposition and barriers to your aspirations.

But rest assured that if you are competent and courageous you would reach your aim early. Boldness is a core part of the ABC for
personal motivation. Add boldness to your traits and enjoy more success.

C- Competence: Just like the two letters above, competence is vital for success in the pursuit of your goals. Lack of competence is usually part of the reasons many enterprises fail. Therefore, be determined to learn what you must and hone your abilities to become excellent at what you do for a living or your goals.

D - Determination: Another letter in this list of ABC for personal motivation is the D and it stands for determination. Determination is an integral part of ABC for personal motivation. Willpower works with boldness. If you have made up your mind to achieve your goals, there is nothing on this planet that can stop you.

Determination puts you ahead of others who are merely trying to get a goal but are not convinced they could get it. For you, it is a matter of life and death as your mind is made up. You are full of energy, ideas and ready to seize the possibility that what you are chasing could work out somehow soon, and your efforts would be rewarded.

E - Energy: You need abundant energy in the daily pursuit of goals. Organizing to work on your goal demands a lot of energy. Also, everything you do during the pursuit of a goal requires energy. But the good thing about energy is that it comes from within. It comes from passion. 

If you are passionate and focused, having the energy to pursue your goals wouldn't be a problem. The fact is enthusiasm keeps you on your toes until you reach your aim.

F - Focus: Among the letter in this list of ABC for personal motivation is the letter F and it represents Focus. Every progressive-minded person desires a laser-sharp focus to chase their goals. You cannot reach any good goal without focus. A focused person concentrates energy on a specific goal and gets it. 

So, become focused and be on the right path to fulfill your aspirations without fail.

G - Goal: Focus helps you reach goals faster. Goals are lists of tasks written down to guide you. It is a promise to yourself which you humbly write down as a reminder.

A goal must have the following qualities to qualify as a good goal; specific, measurable, achievable and realistic. It must also have a time frame for completion. You would be more successful if you set goals with these factors as a guide.

H - Humble: The next letter on this list of ABC for personal motivation is letter H. The letter H stands for humble. If you rise to the top, there is no guarantee that you will stay there if you are not humble. Also, you cannot rise without a correct estimation of yourself.

Humility gives you access to people and scores of friends and admirers who are ready to help you climb the ladder
of success faster.

A pompous person not only limits his success and suffers unnecessary opposition from everyone, but he is also hated. Eat the humble pie and get more goals with less opposition and

I - Integrity: Integrity is social capital in the business world. Besides, without trust, you are left high and dry. You don't want to walk alone or, do you? Integrity doubles your chances of making it in life. Everyone can vouch for your character if you are a man of integrity. Your success or failure depends on your relationship with people.

If you have integrity, you would attract help and support from people you meet every day. Good things come to upright people so
get this virtue to win your goals with the abundant help of others.

J - Justice: The next letter in our list of ABC for personal motivation is letter J. The letter J is for Justice. Honesty they say is the best policy. Fate favors the aspirations and ventures of honest people. Being fair to everyone will motivate people to love and respect you.

ultimately you will become more successful as a result. To enjoy more success, be fair to everyone you have any dealings with.

K - Knowledge: Knowledge is the primary thing in life and a very important factor, in the ABC for personal motivation. Every vocation or task you embark upon demands adequate knowledge for it to succeed. Without knowledge, your goal would not see the light of day. 

All goals depend on the knowledge of its executors for its advancement from mere wishes, into projects where action, persistence, focus and time help to bring it to fulfillment.


ABC for personal motivation is a tool you can use to pursue the goals that matter to you. Also, I have showed you how to use the A, B, C for motivation to reach more of your goals, with minimal stress and improve your well-being. Apply them deliberately daily to make life more satisfying.

Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Motivate Yourself

Motivate yourself because you are the architect of your fortunes. The earlier you know this the better for you. You should not be under any illusion at all. Whatever you are now are results of the choices you made in the past. If you do not like your present circumstances, change your decisions and your actions immediately. So, if the above claims are true, how then can you motivate yourself to pursue your goals and achieve them?
motivate yourself
Follow this guide and join the few, who can create the kind of life that once was a dream. 

Motivate Yourself

Extrinsic and Intrinsic Motivation

Motivation can either be due to intrinsic and extrinsic factors. Intrinsic is internal while extrinsic are external factors. So, ask yourself this, are you driven by external influence or internal guidance?
Examine your life and check the decisions you had made about your life. Consider those decisions and confirm, whether you reached most of those decisions through the influence of other people. If yes, it means that external influences motivate you more. 
Please note, that I am not condemning external motivation. However, it is better when you blend it with internal motivation.
What I wish to stress is that when you are motivated by internal factors such as a strong desire to achieve your goals, dedication, and focus, being goal-oriented, having success habits, determination, and belief in yourself, you will have unlimited possibilities to reach any goals you set for yourself. 
Whereas external motivating influences will take you just far but not far enough. Why is this so? Because external influences usually lose their power to fascinate you for a long time. Therefore, to create a lasting change, you must have an inner conviction to build the new life you desire.
If you accept the above explanations, then personal motivation is vital for reaching any goals you may set for yourself. Learn to motivate yourself to increase your effectiveness and achievements in every area of your life. Evaluate yourself and take a stand for your life. To do that ...

Do the following

  1. Have a worthwhile goal.
  2. Build up passion for the goals you have set to fire you up.
  3. Roll up your sleeves and pursue your goals diligently.
  4. Stimulate your mind by visualizing the result before you achieve your goals.
  5. To motivate yourself, maintain a childlike expectancy that you will reach your goals.
  6. Believe in yourself completely because no one will believe in you if you do not believe in yourself.
  7. Set SMART goals (i.e. specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, time-bound).
  8. Believe you can conquer obstacles blocking you from reaching your goals.
  9. Despite limiting factors against you, keep working and moving in the direction of your goals.
  10. Refuse to quit because quitters are losers and you are not one. 

Some Truths About Personal Motivation 

Review these thoughts about how to motivate yourself and let them stir you to pursue and conquer any goals you set for yourself. Hold on to them because they are facts of life.
  • No one can motivate you continuously.
  • Personal motivation is a personal thing.
  • Motivation is not permanent. Everyone including the most motivated people suffers ups and downs.
  • All of us fear something. But the courageous act despite their fears.
  • Realize that there are no guarantees in life. You win some and lose some.
  • Know that pursuit is proof of desire.
  • Finally, you must realize that power is determined by your ability to move towards your desire and bring it to pass.
Final Words
In this post, I explained how to motivate yourself. So, whenever you feel down, lift yourself and try again. It is only when you fall and stay down that people may call you a failure. Now that you know that internal motivation will help you reach more goals, let that be the source of your motivation henceforth. Also, if you follow that simple suggestion, you will become more successful.