Showing posts with label mentality. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mentality. Show all posts

Monday, December 30, 2019

How to Achieve Abundance Mentality

This post is about how to achieve an abundance mentality and book your passage to success in life. Abundance is the opposite of scarcity. Having an abundance mentality means replacing the poverty mindset by thinking of plenty. Your state of mind affects your ability to achieve goals, get things or reach your purpose in life. The day you decide that you have had enough of limitations, is the day you break free from restrictions you have unwittingly placed on yourself.

how to achieve abundance mentality
This article explains what you must do to achieve an abundance mentality, become free from scarcity or victim mentality, and enjoy abundance. This journey begins with...

How to Achieve Abundance Mentality

Changing Your Thinking

To achieve an abundance mentality, change your thinking. What you believe is who you are. What are those thoughts that keep running through your mind daily? Are they good or bad thoughts? You may not realize it, but you become what you think habitually.
What you are meditating on regularly, defines the actions you take and by implication what you do in any circumstances. So, to change your life, change your thinking and achieve an abundance mentality.
Why have you kept your mind from soaring to unlimited heights all these years? It may be true that your parents barely managed to get by and lived in a rented apartment all their lives. But that should not define who you are.
It may also be true that no member of your family ever owned a house, or even made it to high school. That fact should not limit you to the kind of life they had. No! You must break free to soar and achieve great things.
To move forward, you should change the former thoughts in your mind about circumstances that you had no control over. You can make a clean break from your gloomy past, by thinking differently.
In computer language, when a hard disk is corrupt and unusable, you format it and install new software to run the computer. Do the same thing with your thinking. Replace those self-limiting thoughts you had about your life with ambitious thinking.
Fill your mind with possibilities and be unlimited in your thinking. Think big because you can make it. Let your mind break free of shackles placed in there by your poor upbringing and limiting social background.
Just think in the opposite direction from what your usual thoughts were. You can be rich, you can have a good life, you can live in your mansion, you can go to college, and you can ... fill in the blanks. Your limitation is in your imagination. So, think in new dimensions and free yourself.
Create a radical shift in your mind and turn around 360 degrees from where you were, to a fresh and exhilarating direction full of big dreams and visions of greatness and exciting ambitions. Yes! You can reach the heights your mind takes you. Never limit the power of your mind. If you achieve an abundance mentality no circumstance can limit you.
Completely change your thoughts and become more positive and action-oriented and sooner than you know it, you would break free from lack to a lifestyle of abundance.
To achieve your dream, think of possibilities and opportunities to create the man you dream about but feared to accept. Yes! You can make it if you try to get that supernatural abundant life, which seemed elusive in the past, by changing your thinking.

Related article: life-without-limits

Take Responsibility for Your Life

Take responsibility for your life to achieve an abundant mentality. You are responsible for how high or low you rise in life. You must own up to it. Accept that you are responsible for the position you are today. I know it is much easier to find excuses for failing as most people do, but do not follow their path.
To move ahead, wake up from your limiting belief that other people were responsible for your lack of progress in life. Accepting full responsibility for how your life has turned out is the first step towards rebuilding your life.
Find the courage to quit fooling around and blaming others for where you are now. Change direction and hold yourself accountable for past mistakes and make corrections which would lift you, rather than accuse others for your failure in life. 

Decide to Seek Change

Decide to seek change and achieve an abundance mentality to accomplish your goal. Decide to become a success. Move from a life of penury and perpetual lack into a life of abundance. The choice is in your hands. There is nobody out there that wants to remain little when they could be well off. No one would prefer to walk on a journey when they could take a first-class ticket and fly in a private jet.
Life is a mirror. What you see is what you get. What you want is in your heart. To bring them into reality, first, decide and then follow it up with passionate actions and break free from a limited life and into an unlimited one. 
Achieve abundance mentality by stretching your mind like elastic so it can begin to perceive greatness where you saw a nonentity. The power to do that lies in your mind. Take that walk and break free from limitations you have placed on yourself. Set yourself free to fly by making that decision today to be a success and it will happen.

Make goals

Achieve an abundance mentality by making goals. Goals enable you to capture your future in a plan, now. Goals help you to visualize in a concrete form, the new life you want to build. Take a paper pad and begin to create the kind of life you want.
Goals are promises you make to yourself. To ensure you keep them, document those promises by writing them down on paper. Start with simple goals and keep increasing the size as you accomplish those simple ones.
You can refer to a small goal as a small weight, that a weightlifter uses to begin practice. As he matures and develops strength, he would increase the load he could carry from 1kg to 2kg then to 5kg and with time even to 100 or 1000kg.
As you can see with time and consistent practice, what he can carry depends on the goals and the sacrifice he is willing to make at the gym daily. Like a weightlifter, form the habit of creating workable specific, measurable, achievable, realizable, time-bound goals, and focus on reaching them. With a little perspiration, focus, enthusiasm and time you will reach your goals.
When you create goals, you become more conscious of your capacity to reach the Stars. Why? Well, you now have a plan on paper to take you from the unknown to where you hope to be in the future. Goals make your steps more certain towards the direction you have planned. Form the habit of making goals to make life easier for yourself.


Achieve an abundance mentality by taking swift action on your goals. Now that you know how to make goals, it is time to act on your goals. Whatever you need to do, start by taking urgent action to take you to that dream or plan you wrote on paper.
If you need to consult people, do so, if you need to register for a seminar do it, also if you need money, raise it from your family and friends, and if you need to rent a shop go ahead. But keep moving forward towards the direction of your dream.
Decide to do one thing every day to move you in the direction of your goal, and in a short time, you will reach your objective to live a life of supernatural abundance. It starts with one little step after the other every day.

Commitment to Goals

To achieve an abundance mentality, commit to your goals. Ensure you keep the promise you made to yourself, by staying committed in the long term to the objectives you have made.
The hardest part of having an abundance mentality is being able to remain focused long term, on the goals that would enable you to get that supernatural abundant life.
You may succeed by changing your mindset and making a goal and even begin that journey to reach the goal, but anything can happen along the way to stop you. To help you stay on course, do the following:
  • Imagine goal completion every day to keep it as a top priority in your mind.
  • Imagine the joy, the accolades, the glory and happiness goal achievement would bring to your life daily.
  • Break up goals into tiny bits and work at them passionately, ceaselessly and tirelessly.
  • Set up milestones and give yourself a treat when you reach them.
  • See the larger picture of how the goal (that is your product or service) would help solve big problems for many people in your immediate environment or globally.
  • Enjoy the trip while chasing the goal and be destination minded all the way.
  • Be on fire and pursue your goal. Also, handle problems as they come with the passion of a man on a mission that matters.
  • See barriers as steppingstones to reaching your goal. All obstacles must give way to superior persistent action, for goal attainment.
Final Thoughts on how to Achieve Abundance Mentality
To achieve an abundance mentality involves using your mind to create the changes you desire. Your mind can become your problem or the source of the solution. What is your perspective on this assertion? It is only you that can answer that for yourself. If you see yourself as a victim rather than a victor, that is who you would remain forever. Besides, that is not an option for you if you have an abundance mindset, because you are a victor.
Allow your mind to think of lofty life-changing thoughts. To have supernatural abundance or scarcity mindset is a choice. What choice have you made? Unlock the doors of supernatural abundance in life by choosing what you meditate upon wisely. Engage your mind to think of boundless opportunities out there, ready for those who think in unlimited dimensions and despise scarcity. Be among the few who have chosen to live abundantly, and you will succeed.