Showing posts with label make money. Show all posts
Showing posts with label make money. Show all posts

Sunday, March 22, 2020

How Not to Be Broke Again

Being broke means to lack funds. Do you know what this topic "how not to be broke again" means to a man who is nearly 50 years of age? You see, this topic is a revelation for you, dear reader. Cast your mind back to when you just left college and were about to start earning a living. The excitement was immeasurable and irrespective of the excellent advice of parents and well-wishers to:

make sure you start saving money monthly
keep away from irresponsible friends
stay away from women of easy virtue
obey God first, and have a plan
and form an excellent money-saving habit

This advice usually fell on deaf ears because you would feel that they want to control you.
Also, this topic suggests that I was broke but have overcome this pain, and I am now a role model for others who like me wasted their earnings due to youthful exuberance and wrong decisions.
That is true. Though initially like you, I did not accept that useful advice, which was for my good, like you and I know, the suggestions all fell on deaf ears. Please, you should pay attention now. We are about to start the real stuff.

In this post, you will learn how not to be broke again by following these simple steps.

1) How to Form a Savings Habit and pay yourself first
2) Why you must save
3) How to make financial plans
4) Live on a budget.
5) Do it consistently for a long time
6) Invest what you have saved

Let us begin.

Step 1: How to form a Savings Habit

There is a survey that claims that you can develop any habit you want by substitution. Because you are human, you do a lot of things by default. Have you ever thought about this?
For example, from the time you wake up in the morning till the time you go to bed, you follow a specific pattern. You brush your teeth in a way, you eat in a certain way, walk, and speak in one method.

What is a Habit?

Habit is what you do without any conscious thought. Over the years, these habits harden. That is where the mindset comes in. A pattern of behavior is untouchable, yet it manifests in the way you behave.

You do all things by habit. Changing anything you have done for years to something different is a battle. But it is possible to alter your behavior to a better one if you know it will lead you to live a better life and have enough savings for the rainy day.

You can form a new savings habit by deciding to save and act immediately. What you need to do is open an account and set up a direct debit instruction with your banker.

For example, you can open a salary account with any local bank near your home or place of work and instruct them to debit 10 to 30 percent of your salary every month and transfer the money to your Savings account.

You will notice three things here. First, you decided and acted on it. Thirdly, you used a third party to complete the transaction. You will also notice that you have committed to reduce the amount you earn by 10 to 30%, to pay yourself first.

Step 2: Why should you save? 

Hello! I asked you a simple question, and I deserve an answer, don't I? Well, I know you feel this is obvious to everyone. Okay on a more serious note you save money because of the following:

• to keep yourself from going broke.
• because it is the right thing to do
• it gives you confidence
• to enable you to carry out projects with certainty
• you can plan better
• to secure your future at old age
• as insurance for uncertainties
• it feels good to have savings

Step 3: Make a financial plan. 

I know that your old wasteful habit of spending all you earn will kick in at this moment. It will tell you that you are the one that made money, and so, you could take any amount you want for a little enjoyment.
Eliminate that thought and instead break that behavior and write a budget.

What is the Budget? 

It is a list of your monthly expenses matched against your earnings. Remember that first, you have reduced what you have available for spending by 10-30% and automatically saved it in a savings account.

So, plan what you have left to spend on food, accommodation,  telephone, data, entertainment, transport, clothes, shoes, education, gift, God, medicine,  etc. But make sure you keep another 20% for contingency, and that puts the money available for spending to 50%.

Step 4: Learn to live on this Budget 

Learning to live within the Budget is a hard battle, but this is a fight you must win if you wish to stay from being broke again. Let that be your motivation as you struggle to cut your expenses to fit the amount you have allocated for each expense heading.

You must stay within the boundary you have set. Yes, I know sometimes, you may want to break your rules. That could happen, but always bring yourself back to your goal of learning how not to be broke again.

Every day you will face a fierce battle of wits as your crave for things will pull you on one side, while the new habit that will keep you from poverty will tug at your heart another way.

But if you let rational decision to do what is right win the day, you will succeed at last against the desire to spend without any controls.

Step 5: Do it consistently

As people usually say, "this is where the rubber meets the road." How long can you keep this up? Remember, some studies say that those who plan with a long-time view of 20 to 30 years succeed more than people who have short term plans or goals.

Well, if your desire to beat poverty is more potent than you need to satisfy the temporary cravings of your body, you will defeat the tug on your heart to break your promise to kick poverty and stop being broke again forever.

What is consistency?
It is a steady, persistent, pulsating strong will to win, and great determination to keep a simple promise to yourself. If you break your new habit, you have joined those that tell themselves lies. Just look at the sun, the moon, and the seasons.

They never fail. Can you imitate these natural heavenly bodies? If yes, then you will win the battle against everything that pushes you to shun savings and live a life without any financial boundaries.

Step 6: Invest what you have saved

You have kept your promise and saved 30 percent of your salary for a full year. Congratulations! Now is the time to take your goal not to be broke again a step higher.

Consult your financial adviser in a bank, mutual fund, or finance house and ask for the best way to invest your savings. To invest this money, think of safety, for your initial capital and not just significant returns. So, shun any advice to invest the money on any investment scheme you do not understand.

You could consider the following investment products. They include a certificate of deposit, stocks and bonds, real estate investment trusts (REITs), IRA, and Government Securities-Treasury bills, and so on.

What you must keep in mind is that in investments, the riskier the venture, the more money you could make with the potential of losing all your money too. Have a mild risk appetite and invest wisely and keep growing your money gradually while you gain more financial education.


You can harness your will to be financially self-sufficient than waste your resources. You now know how not to be broke again by forming a savings habit and paying yourself first, understanding why you must save, and making long term financial plans.

Other things you learned is to live within your Budget and, do it consistently for a long time and to invest your savings prudently.

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Thursday, March 19, 2020

7 Things to Consider When Choosing an Internet Make Money Program to Avoid Being Scammed

A scam is a method of swindling people of their money through a fraudulent business scheme and deception. As Scammers are everywhere, so are multitudes of different "Make Money" programs claiming to help their subscribers earn money using the Internet and their smartphones irrespective of where they live in the world.

make money programs
How do you filter the good from the bad, well! That is what this piece will do for you. This article will discuss things to consider when choosing an Internet make money program to avoid being scammed, such as the promoters and the product, real testimonials, good return policy, the buzz, how to subscribe, and earn money, simple advertising copy, training, and the Website. Let us consider them one after the other.

1. The Promoters and the Product

The promoters of the Internet make money program are the most important of all the factors you should consider. Who are they? What is their qualification(s) compared to the task they are carrying out? How many years' experience do they have? What is their record of accomplishment in the field they have created the program or product they are promoting? If the promoters can answer these questions quickly in the marketing copy, frequently asked questions, and executive briefs by the owners, that will be a good sign.

What about the product?
Does it meet the specific needs of people to solve problems they face daily in a unique easy to use way? Who are those real people that have used the product and testified in a sincere way that they enjoyed the product? Are there professionals who trust the product and can attest that the product or program does what it says? 

Are users or those who bought the program or product happy? If the owners can show this clearly on their Website, and you can do further research to confirm it, you will feel much better about deciding whether to join or not.

2) Real Testimonials.

Are the testimonies objective and show the advantages or disadvantages of the program? Do real people give statements? Can you confirm what they are saying by doing further research? If you can, then this is a good sign.

3) What of the Return Policy of the Internet makes money program?

How flexible is their return policy? Do they allow you the autonomy to quit anytime you are dissatisfied with the program or product? Do they give a guarantee to return the total money you invested or used to buy their product without any questions?  What is their refund track-record? Can you contact any of those people quickly?

4) The Buzz

Is the product making a big splash in Cyberspace - I mean, what does the Internet Community, Other Marketers,  Analysts, Experts in that Industry and Social Media say about the product or service? Are these opinions mostly positive, negative, or balanced? Pay attention to the slant of the view to help you make the right decision.

5) Simple Advertising Copy

What of the advertising copy- Do you understand the message it conveys? Is it easy to make a quick decision without any doubts based on all the facts in the ad copy? Is the call to action compelling and authentic and not just appealing to your emotions of greed and fear? Based on what the program owners have presented, can you buy it and go to sleep with your two eyes closed? Think along these lines. 

6) Training and Website

Training: Is there a clear training program for all customers or members of this Internet make money program? What level of training does the program or product have for new participants? Are there continuous graduated levels of training? How beneficial are these pieces of training to members? Does the teaching have a favourable outcome on the general wellbeing or growth of subscribers or users of the program? Bottom line - is the training a robust one or not. 

Website: Another thing you must check on the Internet make money program is how easy it is to navigate the site and its look and feel. Is it well designed and easy to use? Can you identify the owners when you do a Google Whois Search? What of the System Administrator and Office Address are they real addresses or fake? Who registered the Website? When is the Domain name expiring? Can you call or contact the domain registrar quickly? Consider these issues as you analyze the program. 

7) How to Subscribe and Earn Money

How to subscribe and earn money is the juicy part. Is the Website easy to use or complicated? Can you join the program and exit when you want quickly? Can you earn money if you put in an honest effort after you buy the product or program? Does the product serve real people in a community? Because if the program does not meet people's needs, then it cannot sustain itself. That means it will depend on new members joining prior members to earn money. So, you should stay away from such programs, whether offline or online. 


In this post, you learned 7 things to consider when choosing an internet make money program to avoid being scammed. In the final analysis, if you can identify who the owners of the product or program are, their experience and competence, and if the service or product they are offering meets needs, if the marketing copy is useful and if you can navigate the Website easily. The potential of earning with honest effort is individual; you may join if you are satisfied with all your findings.
Now that you recognize what to look out for, when next you analyze a new "Make Money Internet Program," it will be hard to fall into the hands of a swindler lurking around the Internet.
