Showing posts with label begin afresh. Show all posts
Showing posts with label begin afresh. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

The Beginning


We shall check out the definition of the word "creation" which I will liken to the birth or the The begining of a thing.The Oxford Dictionary defines creation as “bringing into existence”, ”producing by what one does” “giving a new rank to” while
the Chambers English Dictionary defines it as “bring into being" or "form out of nothing", "to bring into being by force of imagination", "to make, produce or form", "to design to invest with a new form,office or character" e.t.c.

From the above definitions, you can see that creation is defined as bringing to life of a thing, an idea, bringing an idea to life by force of imagination or by a persons mental thought.

* My Vision
My vision at victor’s insights for living is to break myths about success and successful people, by the teaching of time tested systematic process for all round success in any field of human endeavor.

I shall show the ordinary person and the rich alike that the total maximization of our their natural abilities are no mirage but attainable to any person that strives for it. Also that coming from a rich or poor background, has absolutely nothing to do with our success or failure as human beings.

I hope to show that the realization of our natural talents will lead to creating a better self and as a result create a better world. As light floods our life,it refreshes our being and our world all of a sudden takes a whole new meaning for the better.

* Mission

My mission is to work towards bringing enlightenment to people in areas I perceive is in darkness. For instance an identified dark area is many people's life, is the lack of Knowledge of their purpose.

It is my sincere hope that this exercise will in no distant future become a bacon of hope for people who are bereft of life changing ideas. The information shared in this media will help to awaken the sleeping giant in most people and enable them to realize that each person has within them the ability to create,renew, recreate and change their lives and the world they live in.

* My Challenge to you

I therefore urge you to do an introspection of the (You) you see, so as to painstakingly follow through a process of continuous recreation of the person you want to become. Why do I urge you to do this? The answer to that question is that the person you dream of and want to become is the real and true You.

My friend You are more than what you are presently. Please strive for the best, try to excel and achieve ground breaking feats into hitherto unknown areas. Be on top, visualize it, dream it and see it actualized.

Have a perfect hatred for your present bottom of the ladder position. Look up and push up for only a few make it to the top while the bottom is crowded. Know for certain that you are destined to win for you are more than this.

Have a victorious mentality and I will meet you at the top to celebrate your new status.

Victor is dedicated to helping people get information on self improvement and how to stay motivated for all round success. For sharp insights and revelations of keys to unlocking issues that challenge us daily please visit: