Showing posts with label Success Secrets. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Success Secrets. Show all posts

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Seven Secrets to Success

You might ask, is there a secret to success? Seven success secrets are not secrets, because you and I use them daily without knowing when you tackle different kinds of problems.
The issues I am dealing with may be different from yours. Still, we all face difficulties and must find ways to solve them.
Secrets to success

Everyday experts spring up in one field or another, but the problems do not just disappear because there are expert solutions. No! It is you that has the problem, which must seek out the expert and make a deliberate effort to use remedies recommended as solutions for that issue.

In the Weight Loss and Nutrition fields, many experts have come out with programs to solve the problem of excess weight. It is in the study of those programs that I found these seven instructive Laws of Success, which are the secrets to success.

With these seven success secrets, goal pursuit and attainment become less stressful. These seven success secrets would hand over the keys of success to you, and if you apply them in your life, you will get 99.9% of your goals. They are as follows:

Law No.1: Applying Personal Efforts to Solve Problems

Using personal efforts to solve problems is the number one factor; we will examine in the seven success secrets. Every person has a pressing issue that they must address. For example, if you want to lose weight, there are many programs, but none of those programs can solve your excess weight problem without your effort.

Refusal to apply yourself in the pursuit of a chosen goal is an invitation of failure. Just as success or failure lies in your hands, if you wish to lose weight, so does succeeding lie in your hands too. No one can make you successful without your efforts.

So to make it in life, use this law in the seven success secrets and be ready to apply maximum efforts at any goal, career, business, or service you are engaged in daily. You must work hard and smart to succeed. There are no short cuts to success and so applying personal efforts is a vital tool for ensuring that you reach determined goals.

I must restate that the Seven secrets to success will help you solve problems without much labor even though you work hard.

Law No.2: Follow a Process 

The second law out of the seven success secrets is that you must follow a process. All weight-loss programs have a method. The plans show you the action to take to lose weight. They explain the physical exercise routine you must do every day.

They also guide you in the kind of food and nutrition; you must eat during the weight loss program. The program explains the state of mind you must maintain, during the period the program lasts.
They urge you to have a positive mindset, but also a balanced expectation and not to be unduly anxious when you seem not to be losing any weight despite following the plan as instructed.

Finally, they would tell you how to stay motivated to achieve your weight loss goals through emails, newsletters, and articles on their websites. All these strategies will inspire you to keep using the program until, hopefully, you start seeing results.

Weight loss and success strategies are similar. For you to succeed, you must make goals, follow a plan, act on your goals, stay committed to your goals to reach them. Also, you must maintain a positive mindset and have a balanced view of the period it might take before you succeed.

Just as it is in weight loss programs, results do not fall from the sky. It is the same when you wish to succeed in life's endeavors. You must take practical and consistent action with determination and patience until you reach the goal.

Law No.3: Pick a Goal You Are Passionate About

Picking a goal, you are passionate about is the next law out of the seven success secrets that make so much sense. Losing weight is not easy, so you must be physically and mentally ready for the task at hand before making your goal to lose that weight and purchase a weight loss program.

The same thing applies to you that wish to become successful in your endeavors. To achieve success, you must pick a goal that you can go after with passion. Just as you are passionate about getting rid of that extra flesh in your tummy by sweating it out in daily workouts in a gym, that is how you must love the goal you are chasing and take the necessary, resolute actions to succeed.

Facing a task without enthusiasm would be pure hell. Even if you did not like or love the goals you chose, for you to achieve it, you must find ways to love it. If you do not, you would not reach your objective or become successful in that task.

Law No.4: Act on your goals

One of the secrets to success is acting on your goals. For example, in a weight loss program, moving on your goals enables you to shed those extra pounds by taking daily action. Without any effort on your part to work out, and eat the recommended food, you would continue to gain more weight.

It is a known fact that you grow every day. You do not have to do anything but eat and sleep to grow. But then eating or sleeping is an action. To reach your goal on that task, be ready to make action orientation your lifestyle.

Taking goal targeted actions, daily brings you closer to the goal. Without work, you are stuck in one spot. Take massive goal-directed actions and become more successful.

Law No.5: Be Consistent

Being consistent is another law out of the seven success secrets. How reliable are you? Well, you must have this trait if you hope to achieve any goals at all. Following a weight loss program demands that you stay put on it day by day.

You must become a statue if you hope to get anywhere fast. This recommendation seems contradictory, but it is not. Allow me to explain further.

A statue has integrity. A figure does not tell a lie. Come rain or shine; it remains in the same place every year. You cannot lie to yourself and achieve any good thing. To succeed, stick to that task like glue until you finish it.

When you are following a weight loss program, you cannot afford to sabotage yourself by eating the wrong kind of food or fail to perform the recommended daily exercises and fitness training and hope to lose weight. That is how it is for anyone desiring success in life.

You must not lie to yourself, fail to act on your goals, or follow winning strategies. Also, you should not keep a negative mental attitude or manage your time and resources poorly and expect to succeed. Consistency is the law of the game if you wish to achieve weight loss and Success goals.

Law No.6: Stay Focused

What is the secret of success in studies? In the seven success secrets, law number six is that you must remain focused on achieving any goal. Staying focused is the secret to doing well in your studies, and the key to weight loss. You, the weight loss enthusiast, should put your heart entirely in the weight loss task at hand.

You cannot try one program and abandon it shortly for another one and expect to get excellent results. Results are inherent in being focused and carrying out your part of the deal.

You must settle down and apply all the strategies in a program, for you to be in the best position to appraise it and drop it if it fails to meet your weight loss needs.

For you to become successful in life, focus your attention entirely on one goal at a time, instead of attempting several goals only to abandon all of them halfway uncompleted.

To succeed at any task, stay on it long enough with resolute efforts for it to yield positive results. Never jump from one career to another or pursue several goals at the same time. If you do so, your efforts on different ventures would lack the necessary power of concentration like a laser beam on its target to succeed.

Law No.7: Commitment to Objective

The next secret to success in life is that you must commit to an objective to get it. Commitment to an aim is one of the secrets of successful people you must emulate today.  In weight loss programs, your success depends on how dedicated you are to carry out instructions. Commitment is, therefore, critical to getting the full benefits of the program.

Most people who buy a program are unable to commit to one plan until they solve the weight problem. They are quick to abandon one program for another with the belief that the system failed to work when, in the real sense, it was their lack of commitment that caused the failure.

If you relate the failure of the weight loss program to the pursuit of goals, you will discover that most people do not follow a goal for the long term.

The way the person that failed to lose weight blames the program, so does a person seeking success blame others and unfavorable circumstances instead of taking responsibility for lack of commitment to follow through on the task they were pursuing.

Success does not come because you tried one time. If you have a long-term view of the process, you will achieve success; you must be enthusiastic about your goal to reach it no matter how long it takes.

Going from a Vocation to another one or chasing a goal halfway and dumping it to pursue another one, reduces the speed to your destination. Imagine a car that is always going around aimlessly and keeps starting new journeys every day from new locations with no aim. This car will go around in circles perpetually and fail to head to a specific destination.

Commit to a specific objective and be purpose-driven to succeed. Commitment is like a homing device that takes you to the precise pre-planned spot, while aimlessness leaves you stunted and stranded in one place without any progress.


Weight loss programs solve excess weight problems. Everyone aspiring for success at their lives purpose applies these same methods inherent in weight loss programs without knowing it.

Examine those seven success secrets or laws carefully, and you will find out that they are outstanding principles, which you use to go after different goals in life and get them. Use them and be the next celebrated successful person on the scene.
