Sunday, January 5, 2020

7 Reasons on How You Gain Weight

As human beings, there are various reasons for how you gain weight. This post will explore some of the reasons to help you watch your weight. Moreover, genetics, eating fat and a sedentary lifestyle are some of the reasons you gain weight. Besides, Doctors, Nutritionists, and other Health and Wellness experts, also support my findings. So, allow me to explain further the reasons on how you gain the weight right away. 

7 Reasons on How You Gain Weight

Steps on How You Gain Weight You Must Watch

1. Genetics

Experts state that one of the factors on how you gain weight is heredity or inheritance from your family traits. There is a belief that obesity may run in the family. Also, people believe that certain conditions like Cancer could affect a family from one generation to the other.
Besides, although there is a possibility that you may gain weight because your mother or father is fat, the main cause is fatty foods. Genetics notwithstanding, if you watch the type of food you eat, maintain a daily vigorous exercise routine and an active lifestyle, you cannot gain excess weight.

2. Eating Fat

Another core reason given for how you gain weight is through eating fat. This happens when the body system cannot easily use the calories extracted from the fatty foods you eat. The body stores the calories in the midrib and other parts of the body hoping to use it later.
But if the body fails to use the fact that it has stored, after some time, this unused fat accumulates into needless pounds of flesh, which causes a health problem for you and lower your self-esteem.
Now that we have identified that eating fat can make a person gain weight, so what are those kinds of foods loaded with fat? They are fast foods, snacks, gravies, fried foods, dairy products, oils and red meat to mention but a few.
Besides, since you know that eating fat is one factor of how you gain weight, shun fatty foods and get rid of this needless burden.

3. Consuming More Calories

A third reason for how you gain weight is calories. What are the calories? Nutritionists use calories, to measure the energy-producing capability in food. It shows what each food can add to the body in energy quantity. Consuming more calories in the food you eat than your body uses or burns up, makes you gain weight. 

4. Eating Big Quantities of Food 

Another way of how you gain weight is by eating large servings of food. Eating large quantities of food, especially when it is readily available, is almost unavoidable except you are a disciplined person.
Als, it is hard to go against the norm, because of the carnival-like atmospheres in restaurants or fast food joints. All you would hear in restaurants are happy people placing large orders for food. 
Sometimes you hear them say" make that a double". In that environment full of hungry people, you may follow the bandwagon and join the jamboree. 
Secondly, fatty foods normally come in attractive packages like burgers, meat pies, doughnuts, hot-dogs, spicy foods, cake, and pasta. Other types are fries, chips, sugary carbonated drinks, juice, fizzy drinks, chocolate, milkshakes, and ice creams.
Those fatty foods are enticing and packaged deceptively to appeal to your craving for sweet things. Even in restaurants, they serve them to keep you yearning for more. Do not fall into this web of deception. Place orders for small servings and ensure you take more desserts and salads from fruits as the main course.

5. Inactive Lifestyle

A sedentary lifestyle is another way of how you gain weight. Sitting down in one spot and inactive lifestyle supports weight gain. Ensure you find ways to make yourself more active if your job does not permit it. Move around in your office to keep you in top physical condition.
Take the stairs rather than ride the elevator. Get up to take that file, instead of sending that agile young clerk.  Try to stand on your feet for some time. Create other ways to move around more every day rather than sitting all day. 

For instance, you can leave your car at home and take the bus, or the metro-line instead. Also, go on long brisk walks of twenty to thirty minutes each day. If you act on those suggestions, you will burn some fat. 
Also, watching Television has become a bad habit for both the young and the elderly. They could sit in front of the TV for hours watching their favorite programs, and eating Potato chips, doughnuts, cakes, carbonated drinks and building up calories of fat in their body.
Make sure you break this bad habit and form a new one that makes you more mobile.

6. Psychological Reasons

There are Psychological reasons for how you gain weight. Many emotionally disturbed individuals eat to forget their sorrows. The types of food they eat are usually fat building junk foods.
These people eat to pass the time. Also, they eat to forget the bad relationship with their spouse and drown their problems. Besides, they eat that when they are in low spirits and wish to wallow in self-pity.
They eat when they tell themselves that the world is against them and believe it. They eat when they are under stress for money, lose a job, suffer broken marriage or relationship.
Psychologically traumatized individuals go on a food eating spree and by the time they awake, they would be weighing more than they expect. When this happens, they give up on themselves and continue eating, causing more harm than good and getting bigger and bigger.
Ensure you do not fall into this kind of trap. You do not need to eat to solve any problems. If you start eating, you will end up compounding the problems that got you down in the first place. So be alert, to beat this trap.

7. Food as Substitutes for Other Things

Substituting food for other things is also one of the reasons for how you gain weight. How does this happen? For instance, some people replace food for loss of affection from their spouse or children. Some would substitute food for a lack of promotion on a job or for losses in the stock market.
While in this sad mood, fatty foods are their only hope of clinging to reality and getting over their present difficulties. This should not be so.
Face whatever problems life throws at you squarely. Do your best to overcome them through other ways rather than an addiction to food and drinks, which are very harmful to your health.
Health and nutrition experts found out that the primary way you gain weight is by eating foods, that your body cannot burn up on time. It is these calories your body does not use, that gradually build up over many years and make you to gain weight. To solve this problem, eat fat-free or low-fat foods to get and keep a healthy body, and normal weight. Also, you could turn your body into a fat-burning machine by doing vigorous exercise that makes you sweat. So, eat nutritious diet to give your body adequate nutrients.
Watch out for more insights on the types of food to eat, to ensure wellness and total fitness in the next articles.

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