Identify your competence; know for certain your area of strength. Identification of your natural endowment is paramount in this life. Without this singular act of finding out who you are, what you are blessed with by God to effortlessly deliver, you would be in a very great confusion as one may be likened to a man trapped in an arena with wild animals striving to attack him.
This confused state of the man can be likened to a situation where these wild animals attack the man from all directions. You can imagine the sorry state and picture he would paint as he whirls around in a circle in a bid to defend himself from his predators. He turns around aimlessly and soon becomes worn out thereby falling prey to his wild attackers.
So it is with a man that has failed to seek a clear cut choice out of myriads of life’s activities. I urge you therefore to identify your capability; capitalise on it and bloom in that area.
You know my friend God picked you out for greatness. He said before you were born in Jeremiah 1: 5 of the Holy Bible, He knew you. He, God knew you and planned you to be a positive wonder to your generation. So go to him in prayers and ask for direction. He knows you more than you know yourself. Meet him and he will begin to direct your footsteps to the very thing you were created to fulfil on this earth.
To point out whom you are and what areas of strength may be found in you, ask yourself this question, what is my gift? Begin to look towards those things you do effortlessly, those things that give you joy, those things you do without tiring, things you can even do for free because you enjoy doing them, your hobbies, even chores in your home you do and enjoy may be pointers to what you have been set up by God to fulfil.
Identify this thing and flourish because that originally was God’s agenda for you. Your success is guaranteed in this thing, this area of intense interest is who you are.
Find it and you are on your way to fulfilling it and having an awesome experience.
Yours in success
Victor Usifo
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