The key to winning in life and in any endeavour is decision. The day you decide to stop wasting the scarcest resource, time and do something tangible with your life, something changes in your mental thought pattern.
You move from the unknown to the known territory. That decision you made to go to school, to get additional education, to run for a political office, to open that business, to be a teacher, a lawyer, a musician e.t.c is what really makes the difference. You just made a choice. There is popular saying that “it is better to do something imperfectly than to do nothing perfectly”.
Decision carries you to the land of opportunities where dreams come true. Why you may ask? Because decision is a well thought out plan, a capital project or a move one makes when one is at crossroads or at the threshold of a new dawn, a new beginning, a fresh start. One yes decision, takes you a step further to the chosen field where you hope to deliver a product or service with a passion for excellence. To lead the field in your niche, you must stand out, rather than live the normal dull routine life you were used to.
You must realize that the reason you were not able to achieve anything tangible in life was because you never really determined to do so. If you give this my assertion a thought you will realize that my claims may be true.
I challenge you today to step out of the regular mould of people and choose to make a difference. Step out of the fold of the faceless humanity and become a face to be noticed.
In closing, recognize that you were born to succeed because when the almighty God breathed into you the breath of life Gen 1:31, he passed a judgement work tested and certified very good.
So step out of the fold of people with no ambition boldly in faith and be the person you were created to be a masterpiece of the creative intelligence called the almighty God.
Yours in success
Victor usifo
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