Monday, October 13, 2008

Decision the key to winning in life.

The key to winning in life and in any endeavour is decision. The day you decide to stop wasting the scarcest resource, time and do something tangible with your life, something changes in your mental thought pattern.

You move from the unknown to the known territory. That decision you made to go to school, to get additional education, to run for a political office, to open that business, to be a teacher, a lawyer, a musician e.t.c is what really makes the difference. You just made a choice. There is popular saying that “it is better to do something imperfectly than to do nothing perfectly”.

Decision carries you to the land of opportunities where dreams come true. Why you may ask? Because decision is a well thought out plan, a capital project or a move one makes when one is at crossroads or at the threshold of a new dawn, a new beginning, a fresh start. One yes decision, takes you a step further to the chosen field where you hope to deliver a product or service with a passion for excellence. To lead the field in your niche, you must stand out, rather than live the normal dull routine life you were used to.

You must realize that the reason you were not able to achieve anything tangible in life was because you never really determined to do so. If you give this my assertion a thought you will realize that my claims may be true.

I challenge you today to step out of the regular mould of people and choose to make a difference. Step out of the fold of the faceless humanity and become a face to be noticed.

In closing, recognize that you were born to succeed because when the almighty God breathed into you the breath of life Gen 1:31, he passed a judgement work tested and certified very good.

So step out of the fold of people with no ambition boldly in faith and be the person you were created to be a masterpiece of the creative intelligence called the almighty God.

Yours in success

Victor usifo

Friday, October 10, 2008

Confidence; the key to fear


What you fear most in your life has an uncanny habit of becoming reality.Fear can be described as false evidence appearing real (F.E.A.R). This acronym defines what fear really is. Fear stimulates a strong belief, that something we do not like or something bad will happen, even when we do not have any real proof or justification for our feelings.Your mind is programmed to absorb everything it sees but it is left to you to select what to believe and what to reject. What you feed your mind with, is what it will believe.

* Why do we fear

We fear the unknown, we fear because we have no real knowledge about a thing. We fear because the human mind relies on experience to achieve confidence. Having identified the cause of fear, we can now move towards finding the solution to fear.We fear because we do not have any record of achievement(s) to rely on in that area or thing we fear. So the key to fear is to dare to do the thing we fear and gain experience in that area or thing you fear.

Let us illustrate the truth of this assertion I just made. Take the fear one gets the first time one attempts to drive. You will notice that this fear gradually wanes and fades away with daily practice until one can drive almost automatically without seeking for where the gear of the car is or where the accelerator or break is. We know almost mechanically what to do with the car and so become very confident and relaxed.

* Gaining confidence

Fear disappears when the mind gains confidence by doing the task we dread. Another common illustration we can readily refer to is that of a toddler who is learning to stand and walk. When you observe the child, you will notice that it fears to stand or walk but that fear does not paralyse it from trying to get up or to walk. From constant practice, that baby step will one day metamorphose into a joyful run.The above scenario plays out in our lives daily as we attempt to do anything worthwhile. My suggestion to all is to do that very thing that terrifies you and master fear in that area. We must not freeze when we are challenged by situations we have never handled before. I urge you not to run from what you fear, but rather run towards the source of fear. You will soon pleasantly discover that the fear was in you to energise you to take action and master that situation you fear.

* Advice
My advice to everyone is to attempt to do great things, make big plans, give that speech, take that medical test, go for that surgery, drive that car, and enrol for that course. Do something, do anything and don’t be immobilized by what you fear. Run towards what you fear, radiate boldness against all odds and soon fear melts away.Stand to be counted, breast that tape, my friend because you are a winner, I say to you fear not.

Yours in success
Victor Usifo

I am dedicated to help people get information on self improvement and how to stay motivated for all round success. For sharp insights and revelations of keys to unlocking issues that challenge us daily please visit:

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Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Identify your competence; know for certain your area of strength. Identification of your natural endowment is paramount in this life. Without this singular act of finding out who you are, what you are blessed with by God to effortlessly deliver, you would be in a very great confusion as one may be likened to a man trapped in an arena with wild animals striving to attack him.

This confused state of the man can be likened to a situation where these wild animals attack the man from all directions. You can imagine the sorry state and picture he would paint as he whirls around in a circle in a bid to defend himself from his predators. He turns around aimlessly and soon becomes worn out thereby falling prey to his wild attackers.

So it is with a man that has failed to seek a clear cut choice out of myriads of life’s activities. I urge you therefore to identify your capability; capitalise on it and bloom in that area.

You know my friend God picked you out for greatness. He said before you were born in Jeremiah 1: 5 of the Holy Bible, He knew you. He, God knew you and planned you to be a positive wonder to your generation. So go to him in prayers and ask for direction. He knows you more than you know yourself. Meet him and he will begin to direct your footsteps to the very thing you were created to fulfil on this earth.

To point out whom you are and what areas of strength may be found in you, ask yourself this question, what is my gift? Begin to look towards those things you do effortlessly, those things that give you joy, those things you do without tiring, things you can even do for free because you enjoy doing them, your hobbies, even chores in your home you do and enjoy may be pointers to what you have been set up by God to fulfil.

Identify this thing and flourish because that originally was God’s agenda for you. Your success is guaranteed in this thing, this area of intense interest is who you are.

Find it and you are on your way to fulfilling it and having an awesome experience.

Yours in success

Victor Usifo

Sunday, October 5, 2008



In this life, everyone starts on an equal footing. Except for those whose benevolent parents or relatives left money, everyone must create their own destiny. Henry Ford was quoted as saying “that if you think you can or you think you cannot you are right”. In other words, whatever you choose to make out of your life, it is up to you.

The truth is that life has no friend or foe. It can be good or bad. It is really up to you to choose what to make out of your life. You become its friend or enemy to the extent you are able to master or break its principles.

So what are lives great principles and how do we harness and apply them to live a good life? Lets learn how below.

Ask pertinent questions

One of the great principles of life is that you must decide to do something and make the commitment to accomplish what you have decided to do. To discover the route to take towards achieving your life’s purpose, you may ask yourself some pertinent questions such as: What exactly am I here to fulfil in this life? Why am I alive? Is it just to eat and drink, sleep and wake up, grow old and die? Is it to get married and have children? Or is there more to this life than I can see?

Having asked those soul stirring questions the next step is to answer them frankly.

Give quality answers

Answering those questions for many people is an enormous task. While for others the answer does not matter at all. For a few others, the answer is crucial and could lead to the attainment of anything worthwhile in this life.

Answering above questions becomes critical for a few individuals who have made that decision to become persons to be reckoned with in this life. For them, every minute spent on this planet must count for something.

Time is a wasting asset. Time is valuable and utilised to create a preferred future. Time is quantifiable and attached to achievement of worthy goals. Time must not be wasted because any time used up pursuing a worthy cause or wasted by doing nothing, can never be replaced or recovered.

After giving quality answers to those questions, you must identify the exact vocation you must pursue.

Identify where you belong

After giving quality answers to those questions, you must identify the exact vocation you must pursue.

Consider the above thoughts and identify where you belong. Are you one of those people searching for that “one thing” or are you careless about what the day brings? Any how you look at it and no matter where you fall in, the critical question that arises, is how to move your life from the level it is to a higher level? You owe yourself the task of identifying your place in life and giving the pursuit and realization of your vocation the maximum effort it deserves.

The solution

Decide to make a difference, choose to stand for something and choose to become great. The next thing to do is to start. Have the courage and enthusiasm to pursue your choice passionately.

Following above mentioned steps with dedication to your chosen field of endeavour, will undoubtedly lead to the attainment of your goals. You will achieve your goal if you are determined to do so. Just pursue it with the dexterity of a bulldog after an elusive bone rather than remaining still. The law of motion states that “nothing will move until a force is applied to it”

Make that choice today to create a better future for yourself. Do something valuable with your time or life. Don’t just drift along and live a worthless life.

A word is enough for the wise. Be among the wise and let your decision determine your destiny.

Yours in success,

Victor Usifo.