Saturday, September 26, 2009

Steps to make your goals reality


Goals can be set in virtually all aspects of our lives. You can set spiritual, educational, financial and marriage goals. The lists are endless but our discussion will centre on how you can set realistic goals, pursue and achieve them. Setting goals are deliberate efforts by individuals to channel their energy towards achieving specific goals in chosen areas of their lives. I shall begin by describing what goal setting is, explore the S.M.A.R.T way of setting goals, talk about how commitment helps in ensuring success of your goals and give you suggestions of how to accomplish your goals and finally leave you with a few thoughts about goal setting. Let us begin.

* So what is goal setting?

I describe goal setting as writing a list of things you desire to achieve on a paper, with a step by step method for carrying them out coupled with a completion date, clearly stating when you hope to achieve the goals.
We set goals daily and make plans because of the limited resource called time. Time is equal for everyone on this planet and except you use it creatively, you will lag behind those that know how to maximise it.
To tackle time wastage and maximise its use, we must set goals and make plans to actualise them. There is a simple process of goal setting which is widely accepted and used all over the world. It is captured in this acronym "S.M.A.R.T" which stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time bound. With the aid of "S.M.A.R.T" and one outside this list called "Commitment" there is virtually nothing you cannot achieve.
I shall discuss them one after the other below.

* Specific

A goal must be specific and not vague. What you plan to pursue must be very clear to you or else you will not realize when you achieve it or reach your destination. I will illustrate this by a simple goal of someone that wants to buy a television set. "I want to buy a Television set" This goal is vague and does not qualify as a well set goal. Why do I say this? The reason is that there is no specific type of television mentioned here, no brand, no size or specific time to buy the television is stated. But if I wrote the following instead as a goal, "I want to buy a 24 inches, Sony flat screen Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) coloured television between January and March 2008" it will be accepted as a good goal. The specification of the size, brand, type and time to purchase it will enable me plan for its actual purchase.

* Measurable

A goal must be measurable. You must be able to calculate the time and resources required for the attainment of the goal and ensure they are well deplored. You must be able to measure properly the progress towards the eventual achievement of the set goal. Measuring will enable you to correct your plans if you discover that you may not reach your goal at the pace you were going. I will use a simple goal of saving 1,000 dollars in one month to clarify this point. To achieve this target, you must be able to determine the source of earning this money, your capacity to earn this money, and determine the task to perform within the specified time.

* Achievable

Is the goal achievable or just a wish list of things you know you may not be able to achieve? Have you thought about it carefully and weighed the resources and the potential you have to actualise this goal? What can possibly hinder you from achieving this goal? Answering those questions will enable you to have a clear list of perceived setbacks, to keep you prepared to handle them if and when they eventually occur. It helps to ensure you are not overwhelmed by the pursuit of the goal.

* Realistic

Are the goals realistic or outright unachievable? Here you must ensure that the goals are not just mere dreams or things you know are not possible to realise at the particular time frame you are allotting to them. For instance it will appear outright unrealistic to expect a baby in December from a couple who just got married in September if the woman was not six months pregnant before the marriage. This is not realistic. You must therefore set goals in the ambit of practicality.

* Time boundary

Your goals must have time boundary or else you will not see the need to pursue them diligently. Setting a time limit for each goal makes their pursuit and achievement more definite. Setting a time frame helps to spur you into action. You can also manage the goal attainment by breaking it down into small bits or into daily, weekly monthly, quarterly half yearly or yearly quantity. Then, depending on the length of expected time for their achievement, you may categorize them into short term, middle or long term goals.

* Commitment

Commitment is so Key in goal setting and goal attainment. It is the unseen hand that weaves all the aspects of goal setting for actual performance. The commitment to do is the greatest factor that can make a goal possible or unachievable if every other factor is in their right places. It is a personal choice you must make to work hard and ensure your goals are realized.

To accomplish your goals follow these suggestions:

a) believe you can achieve the goal
b) visualize the completion of the goal before the project begins
c) divide the goals into manageable bits
d) set milestones and give yourself a treat each time you meet a target
d) have the mindset of a finisher and not a quitter.

* Closing thoughts

I shall close by leaving you with these thoughts:
* Goals can be set in virtually all aspects of our lives.
* Goals can be broken down into small bits and pieces to make them less burdensome
* Goal setting is easy and not as cumbersome as most people imagine
* Setting goals help us stay focused and make our lives less chaotic.

I urge every one to imbibe the habit of setting goals. You must realise that the goals you set, shapes the plans you make. These plans in turn influence the actions you take. These actions lead to the achievement of results. It is these results that bring success to us and ultimate fulfilment in life. Therefore, to live a better life set worthwhile goals.

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