Another day dawns in this endless search for perfection and excellence AT WHAT WE DO.
Come to think of it, what puts food on the table and what gets us up every morning must be really important. This task that we must do day in day out and all round the year had to be worth it. But how many of us really think of our daily jobs as vital and one hundred percent significant and of utmost priority?. Very few. Why is this so? The reason is not far to seek. We treat our jobs as common, as just a job to put food on the table period.
This attitude robs the average man on the street ability to expand to his full capacity and shock the world by expanding his horizon to his full potential. Because he sees his
job as an ordinary job, that desire to stretch one self is therefore absent.
It is a known fact that it is the dominant thoughts we allow to occupy our mind that determines who we become. Imagine you truly believe in the job you are doing, and it is given the value it deserves in your heart, be rest assured that the level of your input and productivity will increase geometrically. The effect will be mind blowing to you and your employers and this will in turn have a far reaching effect on the overall national productivity of your country. This singular decision of just one person to give his or her job the seriousness it deserves will increase capacity to create wealth per employed members of the working class group in that country.
Imagine that you do this inner reflection and choose to be a creative worker rather than a passive employee see the ripple effect of just one person making up his or her mind to quit fooling around and get serious.
My friend you have no other reason to be lackadaisical with your job please come alive and create wealth for yourself first and the nation in general. I can see you are wondering how your decision will create wealth for you? Very simple: effectiveness on your job leads to promotion which means more money and influence for you, translating to a better living standard and improved lifestyle for you and general well being and satisfaction.
So you see my friend, you will really be doing yourself much good if you can heed my suggestion to stop the search leading to no where and get really busy. Ultimately, you can be all that you desire to be and no one can do it for you but yourself.
As your job is really a source or avenue of creating lasting impact on the human race, I urge you to make that change to join the new breed of workers and change our world.
Yours in Success
Victor Usifo
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