Saturday, July 25, 2009

How to control procrastination


This fifteen letter long word, has amongst many factors been the worst cause of mediocrity, indolence and lack of aspiration attributed to a lot of people in our planet. Procrastination hinders many people from achieving anything worthwhile in this life. As a result of this setback, they are unable to archive meaningful objectives mainly because they refuse to take action. They make it a habit, to put off things they ought to do immediately as long as they could, hoping to tackle the job or assignment at a more favourable future, which of course we all know never really comes. So days turns into weeks, and weeks into months, and months into years, but the person remains in the grip of this habit. This process continues until this habit forms in stone and becomes difficult to break. This habit, gains a stranglehold on the neck of its captive, as it totally saps their will to act on anything meaningful thereby, rendering them incapable of initiating and completing any project no matter how easy the task my be.

* Motivation enters

At this stage the need of the captive to this debilitating habit, is for a quick solution that will free that person, to enable him or her live a fulfilled life once again. Because every action that has a beginning, must of a necessity have an end, the application of Motivation with less number of letters, but with a better sound to the ears comes to the rescue. And all that person suffering from this habit needed to do, was to find solace against the total powerlessness they once felt in the vice like grip of procrastination, by being motivated to act.

* How does motivation tackle procrastination?

All the person under the grip of this bad habit needed to do, was just to utilise emotional therapy to cure this problem. The person is simply made to be interested in a vocation, an assignment, a business proposal, a talent discovery or a hobby etc. As this person is engaged in this new found love and gets absorbed and consumed by this new activity, there is a sudden discovery of self. This new habit being formed now creates a reawakening of his hitherto dead sense of living a purpose driven life. As this person comes to terms with the reality of his or her former state, and attempts to shake off the yoke of procrastination, the death knell of procrastination is rung. Since there can never be a vacuum in our minds,a new pattern of positive thought is formed and reinforced, leading to the replacement of the old despicable habit with a better one.

* Enter passion

As day turns into night and a fresh day dawns, complete commitment and passion for the new way of life is ignited and comes to a peak. The person sings a new song of freedom which soon reaches a crescendo as passion overwhelms procrastination completely. The persons new attitude, creates so much difference in his or her former way of life. As motivation stimulates passion, the person regains all lost glory and now rules his or her world. Confidence grows, leading to a bold declaration of independence for ever.

* Freedom expressed

That person hitherto under the influence of procrastination now restored, is motivated and empowered to launch out on their new found vocation or assignment, with total liberty, excellence and zeal to achieve meaningful goals. Having won this battle, that person becomes a shining example of the power of the mind, to achieve whatever it desires unhindered by procrastination. As a matter of fact that person now becomes a crusader, fighting a battle to annihilate this evil by total commitment to excellence and productivity due to passion.

* Advice

To beat procrastination, search your mind and pursue any goal you have chosen with great passion and singleness of purpose. You overcome a bad habit, by replacing it with a better one. Consistent performance of the new habit, stimulated by passion soon replaces the bad one forever. Just dare to create a change in how you respond to internal stimuli, and it will manifest in a changed life. You must realize that your outer world is a mirror of what your inner world transmits.

Make that change now and transit from a person that procrastinates to a goal getter.

Yours in success,

Victor Usifo

I am dedicated to helping people get information on self improvement and how to stay motivated for all round success. For sharp insights and revelations of keys to unlocking issues that challenge us daily please visit: