Sunday, January 26, 2020

7 Ways on How to Enlarge Your Breast Without Surgery

In this article are seven ways to enlarge your Breast without surgery. Nowadays, it is common to hear people talking about breast implants. However, most ladies would think twice when they learn that the procedure involves placing a foreign material into the body. Besides, I have researched the easiest, painless, and cost-effective ways to enlarge your Breast without surgery. You can try any of them.  Let us start the guide immediately.

7 Ways on how to Enlarge Your Breast Without Surgery

1. Use Breast Enhancement Products

Using this method could enlarge your Breast. The aim is to use hormone boosting products to increase the size of your Breast. The hormones you will be targeting include estrogen, progesterone, growth hormone, and insulin-like growth factor.
According to an NCBI report, 46.7 percent of women succeeded in enhancing their breasts by using an insulin-like growth factor. Also, there are two ways of increasing these hormones. They include the use of breast enlargement creams and taking breast enhancement pills.

a) Breast enlargement creams

The effect of using breast enlargement creams on your body are to increase estrogen and progesterone. These will increase your breast size. The cream has a large quantity of phytoestrogen [1] extracted from a plant called Pueriaria Mirifica. Phytoestrogen is a chemical extracted from a plant that is like estrogen.  When the body absorbs this chemical, it could enlarge your Breast. [2].

Besides, a trendy breast enhancement cream on Amazon is called the IsoSensuals Breast Enhancement Cream. One thousand customers rate this product 4.5 stars. This cream produced from natural ingredients is known to increase the size of the breast and feminine curves. Besides, reviews on it say this cream increases the firmness of the Breast. That means the cream increases and shapes it to make the Breast more beautiful. Click here to learn more about this on Amazon.

How do you apply this cream?

1. First, use a warm water bath to open the pores of your skin
2. Then take a small portion of the cream on your fingertips
3. So, massage your Breast using a circular motion.
4. Finally, do it two times daily and massage for only one minute.

b) Taking Breast Enhancement Pills

The second way for increasing the size of your Breast is by swallowing pills that contain estrogen and progestin. They could enlarge your Breast.
These hormones are inside birth control pills, and that is why they increase the size of the Breast of women.[3] If you take these breast enhancement supplement twice per day, it will increase the size of your Breast.
Moreover, a big breast enhancing pill is called BreastActives. You may wonder why this pill is popular? The reason is that the tablets come with a breast enlargement exercise routine that will give you the highest growth possible. So, to get a bigger breast quickly, you can try using the BreastActives.
But, if using any of the suggestions above is a lot of work for you, try the next method.

2. Nauturopathic Remedies

If you prefer going organic, then you can use the following:

a) Breast Enlargement Herbs

There are many breast enlargement herbal supplements you can try. Users and the makers believe that these herbs can enlarge your Breast without surgery. Moreover, you may buy them online or in local stores where you live.
The herbs are Fenugreek, Fennel seeds, and Pueraria Mirifica. Note that taking some of these herbs could cause those seeking specific medication problems. So, consult your doctor first before you begin to use the herbal supplements.

b) Massage Your Breast

If you massage your Breast using specific methods, they could slowly increase the size of your Breast. You must use different oils that stimulate the growth of the Breast each time you massage it. This method is easy and affordable and could relax your mind.

c) Natural oils and Creams

Just as you have breast enlargement creams, you have natural oils and creams that claim to increase the size of the Breast.  First, consult your doctor before you try these solutions to get the best out of these oils to enlarge your Breast

3. Using Medication to get bigger breasts

There are some medications that some medical practitioners and users believe could enlarge your Breast. Besides, any lady that wants to increase her breast size and evade unplanned pregnancy if sexually active could use birth control pills to achieve these two goals.

Why this method could work is because most of the birth control pills contain estrogen, a female sex hormone that can increase the growth of the Breast. The cons are nausea, mood swings, headaches, and weight gain.
Try other medications that can increase the size of the Breast. They include:

a) Trying Estrogen Therapy

This natural sex hormone called estrogen is prescribed for ladies to manage some medical issues like problems of menopause and so on. But the con of using estrogen is that it causes mild enlargement of the Breast.

b) Progesterone Therapy

This is another natural sex hormone that they prescribe for different reasons. They recommend it for stopping the overgrowth of the uterine lining for ladies taking estrogen. Like estrogen, this Medication can make the Breast to enlarge. Before you take this Medication, get your doctor's advice. The cons of this Medication are joint pain and vaginal irritation.

c) Using SSRIs to increase the size of the Breast

SSRIs stands for selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors. This Medication is a drug prescribed for those suffering depressions. The disadvantage of using this pill is that it can cause a reasonable enlargement of the Breast.

Although the medicine does not harm those that take it, don't take it when you don't have any symptom of depression. To use this pill, get the advice of your doctor. Additional side effects include reduced libido, headache, and nausea.

4. Exercising regularly and changing your Diet

You can enlarge your Breast without surgery by exercise and changing your food. Regular exercise and a healthy diet will improve your health. Particular exercise routines can cause your Breast to appear more prominent.

To increase your breast size, then you must go to the gym and target the breast area to enlarge it. The routines include many workouts with a lightweight. Weighted cross punches and chest presses. You may get a gym instructor to guide you. However, to get maximum growth of the Breast, do these exercise routines.  

a) Push-up’s

When you do push-ups, you exercise the triceps and make the pectoral muscles below your Breast stronger. Do 3 to 4 sets of 10 push-ups every day. When you become used to the routine, then increase the number of times to 5 or 6  push-ups daily.

b) Lifting Dumbbells

This exercise trains your pectoral muscles to make it stronger. To make this exercise powerful, find heavy dumbbells. But do not carry dumbbells that are too heavy so that you do not strain yourself.

c) Wall Press

This another version of the press up, and it works on the pectoral muscles and upper arms. To carry out this routine, stand 2 feet away from a wall. Keep your arms straight stretched towards the wall with arms pressed tightly against the wall.

Then lean towards the wall until your elbows are bent and keep your legs steady in their former positions. Do 12 wall presses and do 3 sets for maximum effects.

Changing your Diet

Eating a healthy diet is another way to enlarge your Breast without surgery. To make changing your Diet to work correctly, consider the following factors.

a) Gain some weight

You must gain some weight in most parts of your body like thighs, stomach, and so on. To gain weight quickly increase the number of calories you take. Eat fatty foods such as sugar, cookies. I know this is not an excellent suggestion to anyone that wants to enlarge their Breast. 

b) Eat foods that contain estrogen

As we explained earlier, the female hormone could enlarge the breasts. Go ahead and start eating these foods that are rich in estrogen.

·      Fruits: plum, cherry, grapefruit, and pomegranate
·     Vegetables: alfalfa sprout, beet, kale, and green beans
·      Nuts: peanut, walnut, and pistachio
·      Grains: wheat, barley, and rice
·      Soy Products: soymilk, soy yogurt, soybean, and tofu

5. Give yourself an excellent posture to boost your Breast

You can make the size of your Breast appears bigger by your position. When you slump or slouch, the breast may seem to be smaller than when you stand up erect. Raise your head and push your chest out as you walk.

a) Wear Correct Bra Size

Another idea you can try is boosting the Breast by using the right size of Bra. If you wear a small scale or a size larger than your Breast, it will seem as if your Breast is more modest than they are. Wear a bra that will make your breast fit right correctly. Do not wear the ones that will flatten or make your breast dangle loosely.

b) Using a Push-up or Padded Bra

When you wear a well-padded bra, it will seem as if your Breast is bouncier. If you wear a push-up bra, it will raise your Breast and make the Breast look real. You get this look without strict exercise routines. Apart from being comfortable, buy a product that projects your chest the way you want it to look.

If you use a push-up bra with additional padding, it will increase the size of your Breast. So, buy one that is one to three cups bigger.

c) Do not Stuff Your Bra

Do not use cloth or tissue to increase the size of your Breast. This method is uncomfortable and irritates your skin if the product they used to make the fabric causes you to sweat.

6. Staying Smart

Staying smart can enlarge your Breast without surgery. So, if you aim to have bigger breasts, don't use pills to make it larger. Stay away from tablets, especially at a tender age. According to research taking pills at a young age for one reason or another will cause you unpleasant side effects such as mood swings and more extended periods.

With those disadvantages, it is not right to use pills to make your breast look bigger. 
Instead, develop these characteristics.

a) Having patients

If you a young lady, your breasts are still developing and have not reached the full size. Adolescence affects people differently, and your breasts could even grow in the future.  

b) Beware of scams

Before you take any breasts, enlargement pills, or supplements, go to your doctor for advice. You will see many advertisements that urge you to take a medicine to enlarge your breasts, but only a few works properly without any side effects. Research before you buy any products.

7. Apply Makeup

Do you know you can apply makeup to enhance your Breast just as you do for your face? You can do it easily if all you want is to enlarge your Breast temporarily. Follow these steps to do it.

  • You can dress in a top and Bra and make sure your cleavage and chest area are visible.
  • Next, create a cleavage shadow by using dark bronzer. Rub dark bronzer between your breasts. Next, take your brush and cautiously stroke it upwards from the center of the chest. Then, stroke the brush up and out to make a V-shape between the breasts. 
  • Finally, rub any face powder that is light in color on the top of the half side of your breasts. Finish the makeup by using a sponge to smooth the edges correctly with the bronzer.

In this article, I gave you 7 ways to enlarge your Breast without Surgery. You can start using the tips to create the needed look of a more extensive breast without using surgery. You can try those that have no side effects quickly. However,  consult your doctor before you take any medications to enhance your breasts.

Related: how you gain weight , How to achieve abundance mentality

Sunday, January 5, 2020

7 Reasons on How You Gain Weight

As human beings, there are various reasons for how you gain weight. This post will explore some of the reasons to help you watch your weight. Moreover, genetics, eating fat and a sedentary lifestyle are some of the reasons you gain weight. Besides, Doctors, Nutritionists, and other Health and Wellness experts, also support my findings. So, allow me to explain further the reasons on how you gain the weight right away. 

7 Reasons on How You Gain Weight

Steps on How You Gain Weight You Must Watch

1. Genetics

Experts state that one of the factors on how you gain weight is heredity or inheritance from your family traits. There is a belief that obesity may run in the family. Also, people believe that certain conditions like Cancer could affect a family from one generation to the other.
Besides, although there is a possibility that you may gain weight because your mother or father is fat, the main cause is fatty foods. Genetics notwithstanding, if you watch the type of food you eat, maintain a daily vigorous exercise routine and an active lifestyle, you cannot gain excess weight.

2. Eating Fat

Another core reason given for how you gain weight is through eating fat. This happens when the body system cannot easily use the calories extracted from the fatty foods you eat. The body stores the calories in the midrib and other parts of the body hoping to use it later.
But if the body fails to use the fact that it has stored, after some time, this unused fat accumulates into needless pounds of flesh, which causes a health problem for you and lower your self-esteem.
Now that we have identified that eating fat can make a person gain weight, so what are those kinds of foods loaded with fat? They are fast foods, snacks, gravies, fried foods, dairy products, oils and red meat to mention but a few.
Besides, since you know that eating fat is one factor of how you gain weight, shun fatty foods and get rid of this needless burden.

3. Consuming More Calories

A third reason for how you gain weight is calories. What are the calories? Nutritionists use calories, to measure the energy-producing capability in food. It shows what each food can add to the body in energy quantity. Consuming more calories in the food you eat than your body uses or burns up, makes you gain weight. 

4. Eating Big Quantities of Food 

Another way of how you gain weight is by eating large servings of food. Eating large quantities of food, especially when it is readily available, is almost unavoidable except you are a disciplined person.
Als, it is hard to go against the norm, because of the carnival-like atmospheres in restaurants or fast food joints. All you would hear in restaurants are happy people placing large orders for food. 
Sometimes you hear them say" make that a double". In that environment full of hungry people, you may follow the bandwagon and join the jamboree. 
Secondly, fatty foods normally come in attractive packages like burgers, meat pies, doughnuts, hot-dogs, spicy foods, cake, and pasta. Other types are fries, chips, sugary carbonated drinks, juice, fizzy drinks, chocolate, milkshakes, and ice creams.
Those fatty foods are enticing and packaged deceptively to appeal to your craving for sweet things. Even in restaurants, they serve them to keep you yearning for more. Do not fall into this web of deception. Place orders for small servings and ensure you take more desserts and salads from fruits as the main course.

5. Inactive Lifestyle

A sedentary lifestyle is another way of how you gain weight. Sitting down in one spot and inactive lifestyle supports weight gain. Ensure you find ways to make yourself more active if your job does not permit it. Move around in your office to keep you in top physical condition.
Take the stairs rather than ride the elevator. Get up to take that file, instead of sending that agile young clerk.  Try to stand on your feet for some time. Create other ways to move around more every day rather than sitting all day. 

For instance, you can leave your car at home and take the bus, or the metro-line instead. Also, go on long brisk walks of twenty to thirty minutes each day. If you act on those suggestions, you will burn some fat. 
Also, watching Television has become a bad habit for both the young and the elderly. They could sit in front of the TV for hours watching their favorite programs, and eating Potato chips, doughnuts, cakes, carbonated drinks and building up calories of fat in their body.
Make sure you break this bad habit and form a new one that makes you more mobile.

6. Psychological Reasons

There are Psychological reasons for how you gain weight. Many emotionally disturbed individuals eat to forget their sorrows. The types of food they eat are usually fat building junk foods.
These people eat to pass the time. Also, they eat to forget the bad relationship with their spouse and drown their problems. Besides, they eat that when they are in low spirits and wish to wallow in self-pity.
They eat when they tell themselves that the world is against them and believe it. They eat when they are under stress for money, lose a job, suffer broken marriage or relationship.
Psychologically traumatized individuals go on a food eating spree and by the time they awake, they would be weighing more than they expect. When this happens, they give up on themselves and continue eating, causing more harm than good and getting bigger and bigger.
Ensure you do not fall into this kind of trap. You do not need to eat to solve any problems. If you start eating, you will end up compounding the problems that got you down in the first place. So be alert, to beat this trap.

7. Food as Substitutes for Other Things

Substituting food for other things is also one of the reasons for how you gain weight. How does this happen? For instance, some people replace food for loss of affection from their spouse or children. Some would substitute food for a lack of promotion on a job or for losses in the stock market.
While in this sad mood, fatty foods are their only hope of clinging to reality and getting over their present difficulties. This should not be so.
Face whatever problems life throws at you squarely. Do your best to overcome them through other ways rather than an addiction to food and drinks, which are very harmful to your health.
Health and nutrition experts found out that the primary way you gain weight is by eating foods, that your body cannot burn up on time. It is these calories your body does not use, that gradually build up over many years and make you to gain weight. To solve this problem, eat fat-free or low-fat foods to get and keep a healthy body, and normal weight. Also, you could turn your body into a fat-burning machine by doing vigorous exercise that makes you sweat. So, eat nutritious diet to give your body adequate nutrients.
Watch out for more insights on the types of food to eat, to ensure wellness and total fitness in the next articles.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

ABC for Personal Motivation

ABC for personal motivation is a guide to help you reach your goals with fewer hassles. A motivated individual reaches their goals no matter the obstacles on their path. Many circumstances either positive or negative, motivate if you use what you learn to help you in life. In the English alphabet, we use letters A to Z in both the spoken and written language. In this article, I will show you how you could use the letters A to K to motivate yourself to attain more goals.

ABC for Personal Motivation

Cast your mind back to the elementary school days where you struggled to learn the A, B, C, and succeeded after many trial and errors, sometimes with tears. Please keep that thought at the back of your mind as we begin this journey of learning the A, B, C, afresh. Ready, go. The first letter that begins the alphabets as you are aware is the letter "A" in this article of ABC for personal motivation.

ABC for Personal Motivation

Steps to Use The ABC for Personal Motivation

A - Action: In the ABC for personal motivation, the action is probably the most important factor necessary for the progress and achievement of goals. You must move from point" A" to "B" when executing your goal.

Without action, you would be inactive and stuck in the same spot. From today, decide to
take more action. Use action to motivate yourself towards your goals. Commit to taking more bold steps daily to get your goals and you will succeed.

B - Boldness: The next key to use in this list of ABC for personal motivation is the letter B which stands for boldness. Boldness is the key that unlocks the door called fear of failure. In that journey you began by acting, if you are not bold, you would lack the power to overcome opposition and barriers to your aspirations.

But rest assured that if you are competent and courageous you would reach your aim early. Boldness is a core part of the ABC for
personal motivation. Add boldness to your traits and enjoy more success.

C- Competence: Just like the two letters above, competence is vital for success in the pursuit of your goals. Lack of competence is usually part of the reasons many enterprises fail. Therefore, be determined to learn what you must and hone your abilities to become excellent at what you do for a living or your goals.

D - Determination: Another letter in this list of ABC for personal motivation is the D and it stands for determination. Determination is an integral part of ABC for personal motivation. Willpower works with boldness. If you have made up your mind to achieve your goals, there is nothing on this planet that can stop you.

Determination puts you ahead of others who are merely trying to get a goal but are not convinced they could get it. For you, it is a matter of life and death as your mind is made up. You are full of energy, ideas and ready to seize the possibility that what you are chasing could work out somehow soon, and your efforts would be rewarded.

E - Energy: You need abundant energy in the daily pursuit of goals. Organizing to work on your goal demands a lot of energy. Also, everything you do during the pursuit of a goal requires energy. But the good thing about energy is that it comes from within. It comes from passion. 

If you are passionate and focused, having the energy to pursue your goals wouldn't be a problem. The fact is enthusiasm keeps you on your toes until you reach your aim.

F - Focus: Among the letter in this list of ABC for personal motivation is the letter F and it represents Focus. Every progressive-minded person desires a laser-sharp focus to chase their goals. You cannot reach any good goal without focus. A focused person concentrates energy on a specific goal and gets it. 

So, become focused and be on the right path to fulfill your aspirations without fail.

G - Goal: Focus helps you reach goals faster. Goals are lists of tasks written down to guide you. It is a promise to yourself which you humbly write down as a reminder.

A goal must have the following qualities to qualify as a good goal; specific, measurable, achievable and realistic. It must also have a time frame for completion. You would be more successful if you set goals with these factors as a guide.

H - Humble: The next letter on this list of ABC for personal motivation is letter H. The letter H stands for humble. If you rise to the top, there is no guarantee that you will stay there if you are not humble. Also, you cannot rise without a correct estimation of yourself.

Humility gives you access to people and scores of friends and admirers who are ready to help you climb the ladder
of success faster.

A pompous person not only limits his success and suffers unnecessary opposition from everyone, but he is also hated. Eat the humble pie and get more goals with less opposition and

I - Integrity: Integrity is social capital in the business world. Besides, without trust, you are left high and dry. You don't want to walk alone or, do you? Integrity doubles your chances of making it in life. Everyone can vouch for your character if you are a man of integrity. Your success or failure depends on your relationship with people.

If you have integrity, you would attract help and support from people you meet every day. Good things come to upright people so
get this virtue to win your goals with the abundant help of others.

J - Justice: The next letter in our list of ABC for personal motivation is letter J. The letter J is for Justice. Honesty they say is the best policy. Fate favors the aspirations and ventures of honest people. Being fair to everyone will motivate people to love and respect you.

ultimately you will become more successful as a result. To enjoy more success, be fair to everyone you have any dealings with.

K - Knowledge: Knowledge is the primary thing in life and a very important factor, in the ABC for personal motivation. Every vocation or task you embark upon demands adequate knowledge for it to succeed. Without knowledge, your goal would not see the light of day. 

All goals depend on the knowledge of its executors for its advancement from mere wishes, into projects where action, persistence, focus and time help to bring it to fulfillment.


ABC for personal motivation is a tool you can use to pursue the goals that matter to you. Also, I have showed you how to use the A, B, C for motivation to reach more of your goals, with minimal stress and improve your well-being. Apply them deliberately daily to make life more satisfying.